Implementation options for holding company.
Many times we are facing this scenario. Our client has more than one business (legal) entities. How do you deal with that ?
Option 1: Implement in single Adempiere client (A as the holding company). The subsidiaries will go as Organization A1, Organization A2, and so on.
– All subsidaries must be 100% own, as Adempiere don’t take care of % role up.
e.g. Company A own 51% of company A1, hence only will take in 51% of profit, assets, liability…etc…
– All data is in one Client instance. So,
+ Online realtime information access & reports
+ One mass up, all mass up (possible)
+ One Financial Calendar (not all company share the same Financial Calendar.
Some are Industry driven.) – You can make each Organization have their own calendar but at the end you lose the ability to consolidate)
+ So everyone open and close period the same time.
+ One accounting schema (Segment value is also very much Industry specific)
+ One accounting elements (COA) – Don’t think it goes well with CFO of each subsidary. Normally they like to be in FULL control of their accounts set up/make up.
+ No need manual export, format, load data
+ Security access control is much more challenging
+ All must have real time connection to one server
Option 2: Implement into separate Adempiere clients.
– Will be the opposite of above
– Need a consolidation module to produce consolidated Financial Report for holding company.
– If you install in different instances (can be physical or virtual server), you can back up separately. One goes down, the rest is still intact. – But you need to do updates and upgrades to each instances.
If all of your subsidiaries are the same industry, you can take your bet on first option. Just make sure you have a strong backup and recovery strategy. If not, it is still better to choose second option.
Goodwill Consulting adalah bagian dari komunitas pengembang dan pendukung Adempiere. Jika Anda membutuhkan bantuan profesional untuk implementasi Adempiere, silahkan menghubungi kami.